
Our clients typically have a preference—and sometimes a strong preference—for one of the following four methodologies: Waterfall, Iterative, Six Sigma, Agile.
Each has its advantages, but there is considerable overlap among all four, and clients have acknowledged that all have produced successful and unsuccessful outcomes depending on how the methodologies were applied.
Based on years of experience, we’ve developed a blended methodology, called WISE, which uses elements of all four and leverages the strengths of each to consistently deliver successful results. This flexible approach also enables us to easily adjust to individual client situations without compromising the “basics” of sound implementation practices:
Mitigate risk early
Get customer feedback often
Tightly manage scope changes
Control progress through daily deliverables
Use objective measurement techniques to understand and, where possible, predict the impact of changes
Contact us today to learn how we can put WISE to work for you.